Bor field team conduct the 3rd session on Youth-Led Public Discourse on Financial Accountability

Public discourse on financial accountability brings youth across the state to discuss reforms to public accountability and transparency. The event was held at Garden Resort Hotel, and attracted an attendance of 100 segregated by gender as (64 Male, 36 Female) hailing from government institutions’ representatives, young people, civil society, women group, community leaders and church leaders.
For the past 15 years South Sudan’s public financial accountability and transparency has been affected by nemerous political uprising thus leaving such institution operates without policies, this has increase high level of corruption in public institution.
With funding and Support from NPA, Christain Agency for Peace and Development(CAPaD) continues to engage both government representative and the public to advocate for Institutional reforms, as the result of this action the actors eventually advocate for the reforms of the financial sector in the state and social accountability to promote empowerment of social groups, social cohesion and inclusion particularly with regards to the marginalized, vulnerable and other socially excluded groups.
CAPaD will continue to engaged public and the civil society to achieve institutional reforms at the state and the national government level through advocacy.