EU, Sweden inject $5.9 million into donor fund for South Sudan

The European Union and the Swedish government on Monday injected 5.9 million U.S dollars into the newly activated World Bank managed Multi-Donor Transition Trust Fund.
Firas Raad, World Bank Country Manager for South Sudan said the four-year program aims to build the capacity of key economic institutions in the country.
“There will be work program that would be developed by the World Bank team, they will be discussed with donors, with government and these activities will target key economic institutions,” Raad told journalists during a signing ceremony in Juba.
The Trust Fund would help develop infrastructure, build capacity, create jobs, promote progressive economic reform, and provide health care, as well as promoting quality education in the country.
The EU contributed 3 million and Sweden 2.9 million dollars to the Multi-Donor Trust Fund.
Raad disclosed that the Trust Fund will be used to help government institutions to build framework and initiative programs that will promote economic growth.
“The focus will be on capacity-building but also supporting these institutions to develop a framework and other initiatives to promote growth in the country,” he said.
“And the growth that will also create jobs because we don’t want to grow that is jobless, we want to create job opportunities where the youth of this country get empowered,” added Raad.
Timo Olkonen, European Union Ambassador to South Sudan reaffirmed their support to South Sudan to ensure that the country stands on its own to be able to fund the needs of its population.
“South Sudan has become over the years heavily aid-dependent, and we need to look forward to solutions to support the country to stand on its own feet and fund the needs of the population,” said Olkonen.
Tomas Brundin, Sweden Head of Office in South Sudan said the Trust Fund will enhance the government’s responsibility for service delivery in the country.
“Our contribution to the Multi-Donor Transition Trust Fund or the World Bank is approximately 2.9 million dollars and this represents a serious effort to help South Sudan get to the right place,” said Brundin.
“Enhancing the government’s responsibility for service delivery is about providing healthcare and medication for children, and improving public financial accountability and promoting progressive economic reforms,” he added.