UNDP donates ICT Equipment to Judicial Reform Committee

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) on Friday donated ICT equipment to the Judicial Reform Committee (JRC) to strengthen its digital capacity.
Evelyn Edroma, UNDP Acting Deputy Resident Representative, said the office equipment which includes 10 laptops, internet, and printer will make the work of the secretariat easier.
“We provide ICT office equipment and material support to enable further research, and operations in support of their work,” Edroma said during the handover ceremony held at JRC office in Juba.
Edroma said they are also helping to design website for JRC to ease access to information.
“We support the design of a website to facilitate access to and sharing of information as well as providing a platform for people residing within and outside South Sudan to become active participants in JRC’s work,” she said.
Justice John Gatwech, Deputy Chief Justice hailed UNDP for the in-kind support.
“We in the judiciary are very grateful for the work done by UNDP. It is not the first time for UNDP to give us the support, they have been supporting this judiciary and most of the work done in South Sudan, you find them (UNDP) having done something to support us,” said Justice Gatwech.
Justice James Ogoola, Chairperson for Ad-hoc Judicial Reform Committee called on the government to extend the term of office for JRC which is expected to expire on 27 January 2023.
“Give adequate or sufficient time for a proper job to be done by this committee so that recommendations can come to the government, and out of those we can make new judiciary for South Sudan,” said the learned and experienced Ugandan judge.