South Sudan certificate of primary examination to kick off in November

The ministry of general education and instruction in Northern Bahr El Ghazal state
announced on Wednesday primarily examinations will be commence in early November.
“We are going to have the examination starting on November 1 st for primary 1 up to 7, this is
time for teachers and examiners to start revising with the pupils,” said Santino Bol Akot
Nguel, the director general in the ministry of general education and instruction while
appearing on Akol Yam F.M in Aweil town.
He also disclosed that primary eight candidates will sit for the certificate of primary
education (CPE) after the national exams for primary 1-7 have concluded.
“The candidates for primary eight will sit for their exams on 20 th November 2023. This
means they need to get prepared enough as we are having ample time now for the S.4
candidates,” Bol said.
In addition, he said senior four candidates will sit for the certificate of secondary education
(CSE) on December 4 th 2023.
Bol noted that they have set up 60 examination centers for primary eight candidates across
the state.
He urged parents to provide ample time for their children to read and revise in preparation
for the upcoming examination period across the country.