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Six people detained in Aweil after decomposing corpse found near their residence

Police have arrested six people in Rum-tiit Boma of Aweil municipal town after a
decomposing corpse was found near their residence.
The administrator of Rum-tiit Boma, Dut Garang Dau said the detainees who were picked up
on Monday are helping police to identify the deceased and also ascertain the cause of the
Garang said that authorities suspect that the deceased could have either died of natural
causes or was killed a month ago.
β€œWhat happened in Rum-tiit under Maduany Payam is something uncalled for. It is
something unusual, and we would like to appeal to the state authorities to investigate into
the cause of the death of the person whose remains were discovered,” he told journalists in
Aweil town.
Aweil town has of late been experiencing rising crime in the form of petty theft and
Rum-tiit is home to a farming community due it’s fertile land.

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