NGO trains youth, women on revitalized peace process in Rubkona County
About 2,000 youth and women are attending training in Rubkona County of Unity State aimed at equipping them with skills to participate in the implementation process of the 2018 revitalized peace deal.
The Health and Relief Organization (HERO) organized the four-days training which commence on Monday.
John Jal Gatwich, Field Coordinator for HERO said the training will equip women and youths with skills and opportunities to contribute to the peace process at the local and sub-national levels.
Gatwich told Juba Echo in Rubkona that the skills acquired from the training will benefit youth and women in the payams of Guit ,Panyijiar ,Mayom and Rubkona County.
He added that the training will strengthen collective power of youth and women and also address the barriers hindering equal participation of both groups in awareness raising on the Commission for Truth Reconciliation and Healing (CTRH) Bill..
The CTRH Bill under the 2018 revitalized peace deal calls for establishment of transitional justice, accountability mechanisms to help heal and reconcile communities after enduring years of brutal conflict which divided communities.
The Bill also calls for establishing the much-awaited African Union hybrid court to try perpetrators of egregious war crimes committed since outbreak of conflict in December 2013.
Some parties in the transitional government of national unity remain suspicious and unwilling to the idea of forming the AU led Hybrid Court for fear of being arraigned in court to answer for the atrocities committed on their orders