Gov,t calls on partners to support efforts to mitigate disasters

The National Minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Risk Management, Albino Akol Atak on Tuesday called on humanitarian agencies and development partners to support South Sudan’s efforts to mitigate man-made and natural disasters.
“In order to enhance disaster risk reduction agenda, I call upon humanitarian and development actors to improve coordination and collaboration, and to support the ministry of humanitarian affairs to implement the 2015-2030 Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction,” said Atak during the event commemorating the International Day of Disaster Risk Reduction in Juba.
He revealed that South Sudan has over the last three years been affected by combination disasters such as Covid-19, flooding and conflict.
Atak said about 350,000 people fleeing conflict in neighboring Sudan have crossed into South Sudan since April 15.
Rebecca Nyandeng De Mabior, the Vice President for Gender and Youth Cluster called for investment in trauma healing and awareness on mental health to help build resilient societies.
“We need to invest in trauma healing programs, provide counseling services and raise awareness about mental health which are critical steps towards building more robust and resilient communities,” said Nyandeng. She added that the partnership between government and development partners on disaster risk reduction will create a more resilient South Sudan that leaves no one behind