Parliament and Interior Ministry disagree with traffic police driving license directives

The Transitional National Legislative Assembly has suspending an order by the traffic police that was issued on January 4th.2025 directing that validity of driver’s license for nationals be reduced from five years to one year meanwhile those for foreign nationals be reduced from a year to six months.
The order was met with public outcry with many South Sudanese people especially on social media, many expressed disappointment with the order. one o them known as Baraka John said, “This is one way to generate money from the poor starving south Sudanese and use the money to feed the large size of the R-TGoNU”
Another one, Thomas Lukudu said, “Ya jamana, means half of the licenses already expired, so another road blocks starting Monday.”
The public outcry made the parliament to summon several officials among whom are those from ministry of interior.
On Monday, the Deputy Minister of Interior Mangar Buong appeared before the Committee on Security and Public Order and both sides agreed to cancel the order immediately, emphasizing that the public should not be subjected to the new provisions and uphold legal standards. The suspensions is in line with public concerns over the unclear and potentially unlawful fees introduced by the directive.