Journalists training on reporting on constitution making begins in Bentiu

By Michael Tapeng
The Union of Journalists of South Sudan has this morning (Tuesday) launched a two-day capacity building workshop on reporting on constitutional making process in Bentiu, Unity State. 26 journalists are attending the workshop.
In his opening remarks at the event, Unity State Acting Minister of Information David John Gaito welcomed UNESCO country Director and UJOSS team.
“It is a great day for the people of Unity State to have this workshop on constitutional making process. Our being together as journalists will produce very fruitful results for the people of Unity State,” minister Gai noted.
The minister also called on the journalists in Unity State to cooperate with the state government to ensure safety and the security of the journalists is guaranteed.
“The more we cooperate, the more we give you accurate information and the less you cooperate, the less accurate information you will get, ” added minister David John Gai.
For his part, UNESCO country Director Mr. Julius Banda said,
“As country representative for UNESCO I’m very pleased to be here this morning to address you on this occasion which we are bringing to the state level through our partnership with UJOSS, ” Banda stated.
While, UJOSS Secretary General Majak Daniel Kuany said similar training will be rolled out to the three remaining states in South Sudan.
“We are so much thankful to UNESCO for giving us the support. This is the seventh state that we have visited so far. We started last year in Lakes State, and this year we started with Eastern Equatoria, we moved to Jonglei State, we have moved to western Equatoria, we ha moved to Western Barh El Ghazel, we moved to Upper Nile and now we are here in Unity State. We are not stopping here but we will move to Central Equatoria, Northern Barh El Ghazel and Warrap states.”