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 Education Ministry announces date for 2024 CPE, CSE examination

Martin Tako, Deputy Minister, General Education and Instruction(R) seen with Simon Nyok, Secretary General, National Examination Council in press briefing.

By Simon Deng

The National Ministry of General Education and Instruction on Thursday announced the date for the 2024 Certificate of Primary Education (CPE) and Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE) examination.

Martin Tako Moyi, the deputy minister of general education and instruction said that CPE exams will start on November 18 till 22nd, followed by the CSE exams on December 2 which will close on December 11.

“As we prepare, we are not yet in possession of funds for running the process of examination, we are still waiting for funding from our national ministry of finance. It is not only affecting us as a Ministry of Education and the examination council, but it is a common situation in the country,” said Moyi during a press conference in Juba. 

Moyi expressed optimism of meeting the timeline set for the examination despite the prevailing economic hardship in the country that has affected timely funding for the examinations.

“I am optimistic that our government will keep the promise of holding examinations on schedule by providing the needed financial resources on time to conduct these examinations as scheduled,” he said.

Simon Nyok Deng, the Secretary General of the National Examination Council, said 78,859 students, including 35,671 females, have been registered to sit for the primary school examination in 1814 schools clustered into 520 centers across the country.

Deng also said 48,484 students, including 19,993 females, have been registered to sit for the Certificate of Secondary Education examination in 525 nationwide examination centers.

“Compared to 2023 entries, CPE candidates were 69,455 including 30,988 females while CSE candidates were 44,871 including 16,685 females representing an increment of 13.5 percent in CPE and 7.5 percent in CSE entries this year,” he said.

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