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Koch County authorities mobilize over 22 million SSP to resettle returnees

Women await distribution of non-food items in Rotriah payam of Rubkona county in Unity state

Authorities in Koch County of Unity state said on Wednesday they have mobilized more than 22 million South Sudan Pounds to resettle returnees who fled ongoing conflict in neighboring Sudan.

Ruot Riak Teny, the chairperson of relief and rehabilitation commission has told Juba Echo on Wednesday that the money will support returnees who came from Sudan via Nyaruop Port.

“They have no food and the money that we mobilized will enable them to buy food as they wait for humanitarian response,” Teny said in interview at Koch County headquarters.

He said that the money was mobilized from eight Payams, trade union, women union and youth unions within Koch County.

“It’s the first ever fundraising we have conducted in Koch town and we are now handing over the money to returnees so that they will buy food for their children,” Teny said.

He also thanked the Koch County Commissioner, Gorden Koang Biel Char for supporting the mobilization of the money for returnees.

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