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UJOSS Launches Journalism Excellency Awards

By Asante Ali

Union of Journalists of South Sudan in partnership with Trinity Energy and Japan International Co-operation launched the first journalism excellence awards with the aim to promote professionalism and create competency in the media.

The award category includes; excellence in Health reporting award, Economy and business, political and human right, peace, education, climate, gender youth and sports, skill photography and culture reporting award

Patrick Oyet Charles,  the president of the union of journalism said the organization of event took more than six months to be launched and it will take place in late November “We believe that it will also promote some level of specialization and remove the idea where one journalist reports on everything, sports, health, politics, agriculture, we want to move to a direction where a journalist should be specialized in a certain field even though he may also report in other fields but at least be comfortable in of the fields’’, he said.

 Susan Alphonsa, the chief judge, appreciates UJOSS for coming up with the event and giving all journalists in South Sudan the opportunity to exercise openly their daily activities that they have been doing for so long because some of them have not been recognized.

 Moyiga Nduru, commissioner for Access Information said, ‘’we expect journalists from all parts of the country to participate in categories mentioned from Renk to Nimule, Kapoeta to Abyei and there are ten categories ‘’,he said.

“For those submitting their work, first is originality, no plagiarism, evidence of hard work or of sweat, evidence of research are the major,”

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