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Faith leaders demand apology from South Sudan General who torched church

General Salva Mathok is again in the spotlight as the Council of Evangelical Churches of South Sudan on Tuesday demanded he apologizes for torching a Seventh Days Adventist church in Gogrial East of Warrap State.

“The Council of Evangelical Churches of South Sudan condemns with the strongest term possible the action done by honorable Salva Mathok Gengdit in burning down to ashes the Seventh Days Adventist church in Gogrial East,” said Paul Deng Joshua, the Chairperson for  the Council of Evangelical Churches of South Sudan during press conference held in Juba.

The controversial Mathok committed the act of arson on 27th October on the pretext that the church was engaging and encouraging promiscuity.

“The Council of Evangelical Churches of South Sudan unanimously demands a public apology from honorable Salva Mathok about this act,” said Joshua.

 The Council also wants the General to reconstruct the church and compensate for the damage.

Joshua said that Mathok acted with impunity to violate the constitution.

 “Such an incident happening in a democratic nation where the constitution gives right and freedom of worship to all South Sudanese and other inhabitant has alarmed us, If there is any wrong done to him or anyone he wants to defend let him take it the legal way but not to destroy public property that is used for worship,” added Joshua.

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