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UN Agency urges continued humanitarian support in South Sudan

The Ceasefire Transitional Security Arrangements Monitoring and Verification Mechanism (CTSAMVM) have expressed deep concern over emerging reports of violence in Fashoda County of Upper Nile State. The violence is reportedly ongoing between Agwelek forces of renegade Johnson Olony and the white army allied with Simon Gatwich Dual of the Kitgwang faction which split from the SPLM-IO. Lt Gen Asrat Denero Amad, the Chairperson of CTSAMVM said the tensions and sporadic violence between the groups which started in August led to displacement of thousands of people. “We expressed concern over the ongoing conflict in Upper Nile since August 2021 which if not contained, has the potential to re-ignite a wider national conflict and in this regard,” Gen. Denero said during a CTSAMVM meeting held in Juba yesterday. General Denero urged the government to intervene urgently to de-escalate the violence. “We urged the R-TGoNU to redouble efforts to resolve the conflict through dialogue and implementation of relevant provisions of the Transitional Security Arrangements,” said Denero. He said logistical challenges are hindering the work of ceasefire monitors. “The logistical challenges affecting CTSAMVM was a big concern, and in that regard, the Council directed the IGAD Chiefs of Defense Forces to meet as soon as possible to come up with options of supporting CTSAMVM so that the Mechanism becomes fully operational,” he said. On 4th December, the Relief and Rehabilitation Coordinator in Fashoda County of Upper Nile State estimate that more than 3,000 civilians were killed in the recent armed violence in the state. The initial conflict began in Panyikang and Fangak Counties in July between factions of the SPLM-IO Kitgwang, commanded by General Simon Gatwech and General Johnson Olony – before escalating into heavy conflict by mid-August. Last month, the attack by the white army from Lou Nuer reached Fashoda County – where the palace of the King of Chollo is based. As result, the Chollo King was airlifted to Juba on Thursday. Civilians have been reportedly attacked in the violence.

The U.N. Refugee Agency is calling on the international community to continue providing humanitarian assistance in South Sudan.

 Arafat Jamal, the UNHCR representative in South Sudan made this call as a result of a global funding cut.

Jamal called on the international community to continue availing aid to help humanitarian communities respond to humanitarian needs in the country.

“We really appeal very strongly to the international community not to give up on South Sudan and if you don’t intervene, things will get worse and if you do intervene give us breathing space and a chance for others,” Jamal told reporters in an interview on Monday upon his arrival to Juba from Upper Nile.

South Sudan has been marked by brutal conflict, inter-communal violence and cattle raiding, floods.

The U.N. refugee agency said 1.6 million people are internally displaced within South Sudan and another 2.2 million are refugees in neighboring countries.

Jamal expressed concern over the global fund cut, saying it will affect humanitarian response.

 “I am very worried about this, I won’t hide it, the cut is deep and the cut is likely to last for a while,” he said.

He said the African youngest shows promising signs of creating a better future for its population.

“While we are fighting emergencies in the north, we are building hope in other places. I believe the picture in South Sudan has to be blamed.”

“We have to be able to show that is not all emergency and crisis, there is also some part of the country that is improving,” he said. 

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