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AUMISS,IGAD and UNMISS urge consensus-driven decision-making, communication on peace and electoral processes in South Sudan

The African Union Mission in South Sudan (AUMISS), the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), and the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) have congratulated the Republic of South Sudan on its 13th anniversary of independence.

They emphasized the importance of national unity at this moment and urged the Parties to the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (R-ARCSS) to achieve consensus on the way forward and clarify the electoral roadmap.

AUMISS, IGAD, and UNMISS observed the proliferation of statements and decisions from the Parties to the Revitalized Peace Agreement, other political stakeholders, and national electoral institutions regarding transitional measures.

They stressed that while holding elections is South Sudan’s sovereign prerogative, it is crucial that electoral decisions are made through consensus and in accordance with agreed-upon processes, procedures, and timelines.

Finally, they appealed to the Parties to collaborate actively for the sake of maintaining peace and stability. They reiterated their full support for all initiatives aimed at ensuring peaceful, free, fair, and credible elections that genuinely reflect the electorate’s will.

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