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Mayor revokes decision closing UAP operations

Flora Gabriel Modi,the Mayor of Juba City Council

The Mayor of Juba City Council, Flora Gabriel Modi on Thursday reopened UAP insurance company following the decision by her deputy Thiik Thiik Mayardit to close it down over failure to reinstate 10 national staff who had been sacked by management.

“UAP insurance company was closed down yesterday, I have opened UAP because it is not in our mandate, the issue of workers can be handled by the national ministry of labor or the state ministry of labor,” said Modi during press conference in Juba.

On Wednesday, Thiik Thiik Mayardit the second Deputy Mayor for Social Services said he was acting on the directive of Mary Hilary, the Undersecretary of the National Ministry of Labor who directed Juba City Council to immediately resolve the grievances of the sacked UAP national staff.

“City Council is the implementer, the local government in any institution is the implementer, if they say we are going for dialogue and open our place, I am not going to accept until they accept to reinstate these people back,” said Mayardit on Wednesday while announcing the closure of UAP offices.

In September 2023, 70 striking national staff working for UAP insurance company were dismissed for reportedly staging a week-long sit-down strike over what they termed unfair treatment at the work place.

In October, 2023 the National Ministry of Labor resolve that all sacked staff be reinstated back to work with immediate effect but the UAP management terminated 10 staff who were executive members of the staff association.

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