The South Sudan national youth union has said it plans to hold election for leaders on December 10, 2023.
Simon Yel Yel, the secretary general for the South Sudan national youth will also discuss issues affecting youth including youth empowerment, unemployment and the role of youth in peace implementation and peace building across the country.
He said that the 15 delegates including 5 females who will attend the convention will be drawn from the states and three administrative areas.
“The maximum age limit is 35 years for you to be a chairperson, you must come in when you are 31 years, I cannot guarantee that we may have none from the executive, we may contest but I do not think so, we also want some new blood coming in,” Yel said.
Gola Boyoi Gola, the chairperson for the South Sudan national youth union promised to uphold the core principle of democratic transition.
“It is upon the core principle of democratic transition that the leadership of South Sudan national youth union, plans to conduct the third South Sudan national youth convention for the youth of this country to elect their leaders for the next term of office,” Gola said.