Police in Aweil West County have arrested a 22 -year old woman accused of dumping her 8 month old baby in a pit latrine in Nyamlel area.
The suspect Angic Wei Atak aborted the 8 month baby and dumped the fetus in the latrine.
Lt. Colonel Agany Garang, the police investigator in Nyamlel told journalists on Saturday that the woman was found bleeding profusely by her parents.
“I want to tell the public that if a woman experiences an unwanted pregnancy never think of abortion. It is a grave sin that can lead to death,” Garang said.
Garang said that Atak separated with her husband leaving her without support. He said this compelled her to abort the pregnancy.
The South Sudan Penal Code Act 2008 stipulates that abortion is unlawful and punishable in the court of law with a sentence amounting to 10 years if convicted.