By Hou Akot Hou
The government of Northern Bahr El Ghazal state has donated a motor boat to residents of Aweil North County to help ease movement along Nyamlel River.
The motor boat was on Saturday handed over to Kiir Chan Wol the commissioner of Aweil North County.
Chan said the motor boat will serve residents of Majak Baai in Malual West payam and those of Nyamlel in Aweil West County.
The donation of the boat comes after more than 5 people were reported to have drowned last year along Nyamel River.
“I am delighted to have received the boat. It worries people a lot when the river submerges causing little children and women to drown. Now it will ease transportation of people and goods along the river. Five people drowned last year before I became a commissioner,” Chan said.
Adut Deng, a resident who owns a restaurant in MaJak-baai said she will be crossing the river to collect fish for her business.
Nyamlel bridge was recently renovated residents easing movement for people who had endured years of hardship moving across Nyamlele River.