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SPLM/A-IO in spotlight for brutal civilian killings in Ruweng

Stephano Wieu Mialek, Chief Administrator of Ruweng Administrative Area.

The Chief Administrator of Ruweng Administrative Area, Stephano Wieu Mialek on Friday urged the transitional unity government to hastily investigate into the killing of seven people from the peace and reconciliation commission in Wunkur County.

“My message is that I need to appreciate the fact that the President has taken it seriously and called for investigation into the incident, I need this one to be accelerated,” Mialek said in an interview with The Juba Echo by phone.

On July 1, 2023, seven people were allegedly killed by Sudan People’s Liberation Army-in opposition (SPLA-IO) led by First Vice President Riek Machar.

The chairperson of the peace and reconciliation commission was wounded in the attack.

 “As the government of Ruweng, we need the forces of Dr.Riek Machar to be moved to another place and let our administration to be restored,” Mialek said.

 He said insecurity created by SPLA-IO forces is preventing people to farm their lands.

Mialek added that people who were displaced in Wunkur County are increasingly eager to return to their homes to rebuild their livelihoods.

 “We are trying to ensure that we are responsible for translating the peace agreement into action by engaging at that local level, now it is time for peace and we want the local population to return to their areas,” he said.

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