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Tea unites feuding communities in Tali

Hundreds of youth from Mbolo, Terekeka, and Yirol West Counties at take-tea-together in Tali Payam on Monday June 26, 2023

By Kitab Unango

Communities from Lakes state, Central Equatoria and Western Equatoria and reconciliation through sharing a cup of tea.

The inter-state take-tea-together initiative for peace kicked off on Monday in Tali Payam of Terekeka County.

Over five hundred young people including community leaders and women representatives from Mvolo, Yirol West and Terekeka County are taking part in the five- day peace convocation for the first time to harmonize their relations.

 “We are happy to come together because we want to live peacefully without revenge,” Emmanuel Kurukon, representative of Anuol Payam youth of Yirol West told Juba Echo.

On his part, Angelo Nyeima a representative of Tali youth urged communities from the three states to shun hostility and embrace peace.

“It is a blessing for us to be here together in Tali for the first time. Let us forget what happened in the past even if today we meet someone wronged us,” Nyeima said.

These communities have over the past years been engaged in violence characterized by cattle raiding, looting and revenge killings.

The take-tea-together was organized by Salaam Junub with support from Sweden through United Nations Development Programmme (UNDP).

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