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MPs in Jonglei State urged to make inquest into oil pollution

Jonglei State Governor, Denay Jock Chagor

By Kitab Unango

The Governor of Jonglei State, Denay Jock Chagor has urged lawmakers in the state legislative assembly to convene to discuss the sensitive issue of oil pollution in the abandoned Ayod oil field.

“We have so many issues facing Jonglei State that need parliament to raise motion about, but they are keeping quiet,” Chagor said on Monday in Juba.

He said oil exploration by Total SA in Block B has led to oil spill which has contaminated water putting human lives and animals at risk.

The contamination happened last year following heavy flooding which displaced people from Ayod County.

Chagor said children are being born with deformities, adding that it is also causing miscarriages among pregnant women.

He called on the national government especially the ministry of petroleum to act on the matter before it exacerbates.

A woman in Unity State recently gave birth to a child with deformities due to oil pollution.

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