South Sudan’s population has peaked at 12.4 million following the release of the new population estimation survey conducted from May to June 2021.
Isaiah Chol Aruai, the chairperson for the South Sudan National Bureau of Statistics (SSNBS), said the figures that they have come up with are based on satellite imagery, and enumeration done together with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) across the ten states and three administrative areas.
“We believe that these figures can only be used for policy formulation, planning and service delivery. We have to invest in statistics it is our role to generate data, without statistics we will not be able to serve our people and to plan for service delivery,” Chol told journalists during the launching ceremony on Thursday in the South Sudan capital of Juba.
The population survey by sex stands at 52.9 percent females and 47.1 percent males respectively. In addition, the youth population stands at 77 percent.
The previous population and housing census conducted in 2008 estimated the population at 8.26 million.
Ademola Olajide, the country representative for UNFPA said the population estimation survey was conducted instead of a census to provide accurate development data for planning.
“We will use this data for planning, we will use it for policy design and to even measure progress and it can become a baseline for interventions we take,” Olajide said.
Dier Tong Ngor, the minister for finance and planning said the survey will be an effective tool for coordination across government ministries and development partners.
“The data generated from population estimation survey will be important for all us, government, UN system and other development partners. The data will help us allocate available necessary resources in an efficient manner and ensure our much needed intervention for the people of South Sudan,” Ngor said.
He added that data will also be supportive of national development effort such as the implementation of the 2021-24 South Sudan national development strategy.
South Sudan is expected to hold election in December 2024 prior to the end of extended transitional period which ends in 2025.