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Over 35,000 students sit for secondary school leaving examinations

Students sitting for secondary school examinations.

More than 35,000 secondary school students have started sitting for the South Sudan certificate of secondary education final examination.

This was revealed by Simon Nyok, the secretary general for national examination council at Supiri secondary school in Juba on Monday.

 He disclosed that a total of 35,459 are sitting for this year’s examination, adding that it’s the highest number since independence of the country in 2011.

Nyok revealed that 12,000 girls are among the students sitting for the exams.

 “Security officers right from Juba here are working with state security agencies to ensure that the playing field is leveled, all forms of exam malpractice are not allowed because we have engaged security officers to do their best,” he said.

The national examination council in 2022 registered at least 32,167 candidates of which 10,368 were females and about 21,799 males.

 Sarah Nene, the Deputy Governor for Central Equatoria State encouraged students to perform well in their examination. 

“My wish for you all is for you to get good results to book a placement in different universities, do your best by struggling so that we can celebrate your success after two months,” Nene said while addressing senior four candidates at Supiri secondary school.

Meanwhile, senior four students in Northern Bahr El Ghazal State will sit for their final examinations next week.

Peter Deng Deng, the Acting Director General in the State Ministry of Education told Juba Echo on Friday that the examination papers already arrived on Wednesday in Aweil town from the capital, Juba.

He said about 2,045 students will attend the certificate for secondary education examination in the state.

 “We have received the examination papers from the national examination board in Juba, and we are going to deliver them to 17 centers. We have 13 centers inside Aweil town and the other four centers are outside in the counties,” Deng said.

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