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Suspect confesses to killing 3 Syrian nationals before court martial

Private Yak Garang Yak attached with the Presidential guards [Photo: Awan Achiek]

The suspected killer of three Syrian construction workers and South Sudanese national on Wednesday admitted to committing the crime before the army court martial in Juba.

Private Yak Garang Yak attached with the Presidential guards said he was angered over being underpaid for his medical, feeding and operational allowances.

Yak particularly, singled out his deceased Syrian boss Yasir for his lavish lifestyle while he continued to be underlooked.

“Whenever I traveled with him (Yasir) to Wau, he sleeps in hotel Gazale where he pays 100 U.S dollars per night and yet he accommodated me in a local hotel of 700 SSP without enough food,” he said.

On 7th January 2023, Private Yak who has served in the army for 27 years killed three Syrian nationals and a 15-year-old South Sudanese in Akon village of Gogrial West in Warrap State.

Yak worked as a driver and security officer for CKM Construction Company which was hired to construct President Salva Kiir’s house in his home village of Akon.

 “I intended to kill them because I was angered by the way they treated me,” he said.

Yak said he spared the lives of two Egyptian workers because he had nothing against them.

“I woke up at around 7:00 AM and I went to my workplace with a gun and when I met Yasir, I told him we are finished, I shot him on his shoulder and on his head and I shot the two with one bullet each,” Yak disclosed.

Two eyewitnesses, one Syrian and one Egyptian gave their testimonies on how the three of their colleagues were murdered by Yak.

Maj. Gen, Lul Ruai Koang, South Sudan People’s Defense Forces (SSPDF) spokesperson while briefing journalists said the court was adjourned until 28th February to give room for judges to frame charges against the suspect.

“When we reconvened on the 28th of this month, the General Court Martial will read charges against the accused,” he said.

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