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Over 2,000 people displaced by floods arrive in Yirol East County

Floods submerged part of division four headquarters and took control of the main road to Bentiu town.

Thousands of people displaced by heavy floods in Unity State have been successfully relocated arrived in to Yirol East County of Lakes State.

This was revealed on Thursday by Adhum Achol Geu the Lakes State Deputy Chairperson for Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (RRC).

 “We have received so far 2,204 internally displaced persons from Unity State mostly women, children, and elderly and they are settled in Adior and Nyang of Yirol East County,” Achol told The Juba Echo in an interview by phone.

He described the situation of the IDPs as critical requiring urgent humanitarian response.

 “They left their belongings in Unity State and moved to Lakes State, they are in dire need of humanitarian assistance,” said Achol.  

Achol said that Unity State is cutoff from the rest of the country due to flooding.

He disclosed that RRC is still mobilizing resources to respond to the dire humanitarian situation on the ground.

“We held a meeting today (Thursday) with humanitarian organizations to make sure we mobilize resources to address their needs,” said Achol.

He appealed to humanitarian organizations to urgently provide food, shelter, and medicine to displaced communities.

As of October 2022, about 900,000 people were affected by floods according to a report published by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

The UN agency noted that Jonglei, Unity and Upper Nile states were the worst affected areas by the flooding that started in May due to their proximity to the Nile and Lol rivers and the Sudd marshlands.

It added the widespread flooding continued to impact 835,000 people and their livelihoods in 33 counties out of 78 across the country as of December 8.

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