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Ceasefire monitors want SSPDF to withdraw from SPLA-IO cantonment sites

Lt. General Asrat Denero Amad, Chairperson for CTSAMVM speaks during body meeting in Juba [Photo by Awan]

The Ceasefire Transitional Monitoring Verification Mechanism (CSTAMVM) has called on the South Sudan People’s Defense Forces (SSPDF) to withdraw from cantonment sites meant for opposition forces in Upper Nile and Unity States.

Lt. General Asrat Denero Amad, the Chairperson for CTSAMVM on Tuesday faulted the SSPDF and its affiliates for continuing to occupy Mir Mir, Liang, and Jekou cantonment sites.

 “CTSAMVM remains concerned about the continued occupation of Mir Mir, Liang, and Jekou Cantonment Sites in Unity and Upper Nile States respectively by SSPDF and/or its affiliates,” Denero said during the CTSAMVM Board meeting held in Juba.

He said the immediate withdrawal of SSPDF would ease the return of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army- in Opposition (SPLA-IO) to those sites.

“These Cantonments Sites were designated for SPLM/A-IO and therefore CTSAMVM appeals to SSPDF to withdraw and allow SPLM/A-IO to re-occupy the areas,” said Denero.

SPLM/A-IO mainstream faction is led by First Vice President Riek Machar.

The former rebel movement in August last year splintered into two factions, leaving another faction in the hands of Machar’s former chief of staff Gen. Simon Gatkuoth Dual.

In February 2022, fighting erupted in Mirmir of Unity state between the SPLA-IO under Machar and armed youths allied to SSPDF.

The violence further spread to Koch, Mayiandit, and Leer Counties in Unity State.

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