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President Kiir urges rival Kitgwang factions to cease hostilities

President Salva Kiir Mayardit has called on the belligerent factions of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army-In Opposition (SPLM/A-IO) to cease hostilities in Upper Nile State.

Kiir who met advance team of Agwelek faction led by Gen. Johnson Olony in Juba on Wednesday, said he was deeply concerned with the fighting in the state that has in turn led to insecurity in the main town of Malakal.

Kiir advised Olony’s team to convince him to opt for peace and return to Juba.

Olony’s Agwelek militia is fighting the SPLA-IO led by First Vice President Riek Machar’s former chief- of –staff Gen.Simon Gatwech Dual.

Kiir assured that the insecurity in the oil-rich northern state will soon be discussed by the Presidency.

The Agwelek advance team talked about the status of the implementation of the Khartoum Peace Agreement signed between SPLM-In Government led by President Kiir and the SPLM-IO Kit-Gwang group under Gen. Gatwech.

Under this agreement, SPLM/A-IO Kit-Gwang forces are supposed to be integrated into the South Sudan People’s Defense Forces (SSPDF).

The meeting also discussed the issue of flooding that has affected the local population in some parts of Upper Nile State.

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