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SPLM/A-IO Kit-Gwang faction marks founding anniversary, says peace remains elusive

Lt.Gen Simon Gatwech Dual, the Interim Chairperson for SPLA-IO Kitgwang

The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army-in opposition (SPLM/A-IO) Kit-Gwang faction has urged international and regional power brokers to help mediate peace with the unity government in order to allow the breakaway faction join the ongoing peace process.

“Categorically, the SPLA-IO kitgwang would also like to seize this opportunity to affirm the call for a renewed dialogue that would be inclusive of all stakeholders of peace, and frankly involve the international community and friends of South Sudan who are toiling to bring peace and stability for the people of South Sudan,” Lt.Gen. Simon Gatwech Dual, the Interim Chairman for the SPLM/A-IO faction said in a statement issued on Wednesday.

His remarks came as the group that split in August last year from the mainstream SPLM/A-IO led by First Vice President Riek Machar celebrated it’s first anniversary.

Dual along with other top SPLA-IO commanders within Kitgwang faction signed a peace deal with President Salva Kiir’s SPLM-In Government (SPLM-IG) in January 2022 in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum.

However, the agreement which was meant to provide for speedy integration of Dual’s forces into the South Sudan People’s Defense Forces (SSPDF) within a period of not more than three months upon signing remains unimplemented to date.

“It is our joint request to ask for the intervention of the UN, AU, Troika, IGAD and other pivotal bodies at the world stage to help actualize this noble dream of the people of South Sudan to enhance stability, development and promote rule of law and installation of democracy which in return shall come with blessings of good governance,” Dual said.

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