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20-year old man convicted of rape, imprisoned for a decade.

One person killed in Juba IDP camp by suspected gang robbers
"CRIME SCENE DO NOT CROSS" on a black background.

Koch county police commander Brigadier General, Tut Wal Dang has told reporters that a 20-year old man convicted by the county bench court for rape has been sentenced to 10 years in prison.

The man known as Juoy Ruai Duol has been found guilty of raping a 10-years old girl in Kuey village under Gany Payam of Koch county, Unity State.

Brigadier General, Tut added that the convict was directed by the court to pay 30
heads of cattle to the girl`s family and 400,000 South Sudanese
pounds as medical fee for treating the victim.
“The convict who raped the 10-year old girl was arrested yesterday
by police department of criminal Investigation in Kuey village, and
sent to the county court where he was sentenced to 10 years in
prison and also asked to pay some fines of 30 heads of cattle and
400,000 south Sudanese pound”. Echoed Brigadier General Tut.
The police chief in the area further said the convict waylaid his victim for two days and he finally attacked and raped her while she was unsuspectingly walking.
The head of the police in the area said the relatives of both the victim and the
convict have welcomed the court verdict and promised that the
convict will not be released since he has already been sentenced
by a court which he described as competent.
The rape of the girl is the fourth of its kind in Kuey Village of Koch County since
war broke out in South Sudan in 2013.

South Sudan’s Penal Code Act 2008, section 247 dictates that whoever is convicted of rape be sentenced to imprisonment for a term not exceeding fourteen years and may also be liable to a fine.

It continues that sexual consent given by a man or woman below the age of eighteen years shall not be deemed to be consent.

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