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Women’s parliamentary caucus calls for empowerment

Women parliamentary caucus calls for empowerment
Women parliamentarians posed for a group photo at Palm Africa Hotel

The head of the women’s parliamentary caucus in the revitalized transitional national legislative assembly of South Sudan Josephine Moses Lado has appealed for empowerment through capacity building of their members today from Palm Africa hotel during a symposium of RTNLA on the gender-responsive constitution-making process.

“We need support in different skills, for example, awareness-raising, lobbying, advocacy, communication and public speaking which are very important for us to execute our roles,” she said.

Madam Josephine also told Juba Echo that there is a need for the promotion of a women’s caucus in 10 other states because it is a network among states even at the grassroots level such that their solidarity as women is made stronger to enable them to meet their target of constituting 60% of the parliamentarians in the in next parliament.

Meanwhile, Magoola Peterson, the country representative for UN Women who also graced this occasion believes that developing a stable constitution for South Sudan is one critical fundamental for improvement because it has the capacity to bolster gender equality and rule of law which is cardinal for peace building in the youngest nation.

“The trend is getting much better to have gender provisions, the constitution-making may present an exceptional opportunity for a state to create a common vision especially when it requires change,” said Magoola.

This important event was also embellished by other bigwigs such as Mary Nawai Martin, the National minister for parliamentary affairs, Joachim Waern, the head of the office for the embassy of Sweden in South Sudan, Ayaa Benjamin Warille, the National minister for Gender Child and social well-fare among other eminent personalities.

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